Alexis M. Wilson was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. In May 2019, Alexis graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences from Cornell University. She concentrated in Biogeochemistry and minored in Climate Change. After successfully completing a senior thesis, she graduated with distinction in research. She recently received her M.S. in Earth System Science from Stanford EARTH in June 2022.
Alexis is currently a fourth year Earth System Science PhD Candidate at Stanford University. Her research focuses on assessing the prevalence of soil contamination in urban gardens across the San Francisco Bay Area, with a focus on marginalized communities which are disproportionately impacted by environmental pollution and food insecurity.
Outside of research, Alexis is heavily involved in social justice work. She is committed to mentorship and is working to make STEM more accessible and inclusive of underrepresented groups. At Cornell, her work with the Intergroup Dialogue Project focused on understanding the complexity of social identities(e.g. race, gender), systems of power, privilege, and oppression, and communicating effectively across difference. Her passion also lies in understanding and combating environmental racism and climate injustices on local and global scales. Through her work she hopes to create a more just, sustainable, and equitable world.
Alexis loves to travel, binge watch TV-shows, paint, dance, read, and play sports. She loves playing with her dog, Duchess, and taking her everywhere. She enjoys going out and spending time with friends but is equally happy spending quality time alone. She hopes that this website will serve as a resource, guide, and inspiration to many.
Alexis’ dog Duchess, is a 3 year old, three pound Yorkie with a big personality!
Alexis holding orange and yellow flowers at the Stanford farm.
Alexis and her family at her graduation from Cornell University.
Alexis in front of the Chicago Skyline
Alexis in a Black Women Matter t-shirt
Alexis at a wine and paint event.