My Science Story
A Brief Look Into My Science Story
I loved science at a young age and pursued it by participating in school science fairs (which I won), going to forensic science camp, and looking at any and everything through the microscope my mom bought me. I was discouraged from pursuing science due to a lack of role models who shared my identities(namely Black and female) and direct discouragement from others. This led to a lot of self-doubt so I shifted my career aspirations to fashion designer, novelist, or professional athlete. While I likely would have been successful and happy in these other careers, I was blessed to have a supportive family and mentors who recognized my affinity for science and encouraged me to keep going.
My interest in environmental science began in my freshman year biology course in high school. I was introduced to recycling, climate change, aquaponics systems, and other environmental concepts and issues. From then on, my love for the environment and environmental research grew so I decided to pursue this field in college. Due to my cultural and urban upbringing, I was exposed to environmental science later than most of my peers. This was clear when I moved to upstate New York to attend Cornell University. I was around and in nature for the first time (or at least what my definition of nature was at the time, which was mostly forests). My peers seemed to be way ahead of me with their experience with the natural world. I went hiking, canoeing, kayaking, and camping for the first time during my college experience. I am still experiencing many firsts when it comes to exploring and becoming comfortable in the environment.
I persevered through the challenges i faced and graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2019 with a B.S. in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences. I conducted research in the Fahey-Yavitt lab and was a McNair Scholar and Rawlings Research Scholar. During the summers, I participated in research experiences at Stanford University (SURGE program) and Vanderbilt University (Leadership Alliance) which helped develop my skills as an independent scientist. I was also fortunate enough to study abroad and conduct research in Vietnam, Morocco, Bolivia, and Bangladesh.
Now, I am beginning a new scientific journey as I pursue my PhD in Earth System Science at Stanford. It is simultaneously a continuation of the scientific journey I started when I was just a little girl and the start of a new phase in my career. I hope I can be the role model that I needed when I was a young girl looking for a sign that I could do it too.